Tossing and turning my back sore from the bed my skin scratching the sheets (cheap sheets) Another restless night I'm exhuasted–often–these days Though I am also more awake Aware Thinking of things and happy for that Enjoying talking to people Genuinely curious about how they live What they are up to Being able to get more done Just a little bit more but it's more & that matters I am excited about the class I am teaching; proud of my little clown students They've come so far! Yesterday we had our last class of eight Austin's first ever consistent clown class That feels pretty huge in the new "live comedy capital" of the USA some say globe "It's so cool to see how everyone's clown has... come out. Their unique way of being funny and having fun." "Once I found what I had fun doing up there, the audience liked it. It was working." "This has been great for my improv and stand-up, too. It blurs into everything." Goals met I couldn't be more pleased Often I felt stumbling through a fog of dissassociation to get there to get to class to get to presence to give them what they needed to trust the process They were confused an inevitable phase of life and of clowning (trying to make things more complicated than they are) Trying to be clever or in control of the experience (Keep It Simple Stupid) I had to button it up not give too many answers Allow them to discover what they need for their play for their rebelry for their revelry Allow them to potentially hate it hate me not get it There needed to be my own risk while I taught them, too, to risk I needed to risk failing as a teacher and keep at it with patience just like I ask them to It worked they're ready for their class show tonight They're ready to take on strangers and friends and family and most importantly themselves Well, the ones who made most of the classes will The others will stumble That juxtaposition will only embolden the committed to see how these tools work Life is sweet Clowning is stupid Presence is mandatory
A hui ho,
I think you're goddamn brilliant, the way you let it roll for them. That level of letting go of control is nothing short of amazing, an inspiration to me.
Glad to hear it! I wish I could see it! Will Olivia be there? ;)