Awww Julia! It’s also taken me a while to reconcile the little ecosystems we are and how we truly have to work with what we have to get what we want ~ the most resonant and aligned way of being. So happy you are taking the steps toward allowing in more joy and passion. 💚🤌🏾
Amazing Julia. When did you decide to start up meds again? I come from a very long line of "significantly" depressed people. and so, in my family, I have heard it said that "for some of us, life is similar to some kind of prison. life on medication is like parole. it's better but the threat of prison is always there if you fuck it up."
That's an interesting metaphor. I don't not relate... albeit it over simplifies some more complex nuances to the experience. This was written a few days ago, so this is where I am at in the process; acquiring the platform I need to find access to medication again. I am sure it is hard for family and friends of those going through this stuff in its own way, and my heart goes out to you for that experience of yours. It's nice that you support conversations with them about it and seek to understand <3
Both my sons and I suffer from depression but not my wife. She has been gone for five weeks and it will be another 2 before I see her again, our longest time apart in 40 years. I can feel the tenor of my life shifting in the downward direction. I had not known that I was so effected by her fine disposition but there it is. To you I say brava, keep on keeping on. Spoken from a jester to a clown with affection.
I truly hope you are doing okay in her continued absence, and finding healthy substitutes for her fine disposition to influence you to be your best self. This too shall pass, let's get through it! Struggling to find ways to thrive rather than survive, but there are so many ways and the attempt is a significant start. <3
Yes, the attempt, if we have enough gas in our tank. I wrote some years ago about climbing out of the hole. You may find it meaningful or not.
Awww Julia! It’s also taken me a while to reconcile the little ecosystems we are and how we truly have to work with what we have to get what we want ~ the most resonant and aligned way of being. So happy you are taking the steps toward allowing in more joy and passion. 💚🤌🏾
Thank you sweet Yanique 😌♥️✨
Amazing Julia. When did you decide to start up meds again? I come from a very long line of "significantly" depressed people. and so, in my family, I have heard it said that "for some of us, life is similar to some kind of prison. life on medication is like parole. it's better but the threat of prison is always there if you fuck it up."
That's an interesting metaphor. I don't not relate... albeit it over simplifies some more complex nuances to the experience. This was written a few days ago, so this is where I am at in the process; acquiring the platform I need to find access to medication again. I am sure it is hard for family and friends of those going through this stuff in its own way, and my heart goes out to you for that experience of yours. It's nice that you support conversations with them about it and seek to understand <3
Both my sons and I suffer from depression but not my wife. She has been gone for five weeks and it will be another 2 before I see her again, our longest time apart in 40 years. I can feel the tenor of my life shifting in the downward direction. I had not known that I was so effected by her fine disposition but there it is. To you I say brava, keep on keeping on. Spoken from a jester to a clown with affection.
I truly hope you are doing okay in her continued absence, and finding healthy substitutes for her fine disposition to influence you to be your best self. This too shall pass, let's get through it! Struggling to find ways to thrive rather than survive, but there are so many ways and the attempt is a significant start. <3
Yes, the attempt, if we have enough gas in our tank. I wrote some years ago about climbing out of the hole. You may find it meaningful or not.